Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog 6: Late, I know

I don't know what I want my essay to be about, although I do have some very basic ideas. One idea I had was to make the assignment about myself vs. Cinderella. I'm obsessed with Cinderella, and collect stuff related to both the Disney movie and the other tellings too. I didn't know exactly what the idea would be, maybe that instead of being a fairytale, romance just complicates things.

Then I thought about all the different things that Cinderella does to girls. I mean, her expectations are so different from what I myself want, so I wonder why such a symbol of traditional femininity is so fascinating to me, when I reject a lot of the things she represents. She is the typical weak, family-oriented woman that makes me cringe, so why do I like her so much? Hmmm... Perhaps contrasting myself vs. Cinderella can be an examination of the expectations of femininity in western culture.

Yes? No? Maybe? Am I on the right track?

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