Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blog # 13: Problems

Alright, so I'm having some problems coming up with an idea for my "eye" essay, so I'm just going to list some of the ones I have:

LARPing, being a LARPer.
-LARPing stands for Live Action Roleplaying, and quite frankly I want to write about my experiences with LARPers because I'm so sick of everybody being like "Oh, like that lightening bolt! dork?" when I tell them that I used to LARP. There are a lot of really nice, intelligent, interesting people who LARP. Like did you know that I've met teachers, lawyers, cops, paramedics, college professors and all other kinds of people at LARPing events? Yeah, it's not all dudes that live in their parents basements.

-I think this would be interesting because I'm both an insider and an outsider in this group. I'm an EEO student, but I don't fit the normal profile (I didn't come from a "disadvantaged" area,I'm just ridiculously broke), so I think I can look at it more objectively than most of the people in that program.

A New Hope Hacker Convention
-Over the summer I went to this convention and had a blast! It's interesting to see nerds in their natural environment, and I was in the epicenter of dorkdom. I got to talk to people who didn't use their real names about things like the pros and cons of copyrights, race around on a segue, help rebuild a MAC from the 1980s and dance to music made entirely on a computer at a rave-type activity. It was an interesting look into a very misunderstood culture (not all hackers are black hats!!).

A typical Rocky Horror Friday night
-There are a lot of interesting people that go to the midnight showings of Rocky Horror, and it's always interesting to see what people are dressed as and the kinds of things people do. There's a certain draw to that kind of thing when you aren't accepted by mainstream people, and so the characters you see at Rocky tend to be really nice and also really different and fun.

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